Flip and Schoology have collaborated to connect their platforms and make it easier for educators to share Flip with their students.
- If Flip is not available in the app store, follow these steps to set up the integration to use Flip on Schoology.
- These integration steps are intended for educators' individuals. If you are an administrator, review the steps to setup the integration here.
This integration helps:
- Connect Flip topics to Schoology assignments: All videos in those Flip topics will show up in Schoology assignments.
- Students access Flip topics from their Schoology accounts: Students can find Flip videos directly in Schoology.
Step 1: Prepare to integrate
Important: If you’re an individual educator, you must install the integration yourself.
- Create your own Flip and Schoology account.
- Flip account: Learn how to sign up for Flip.
- Schoology account: Create a “Teacher” account. Do not create a “Course Designer” or ”Administrator" account.
- Create a new assignment in Schoology.
- Note: You can’t integrate an already created assignment.
Step 2: Find your consumer key and shared secret
To connect Flip to Schoology, you need a consumer key and shared secret from Flip. Learn how to find your consumer key and shared secret after you add the Schoology integration on Flip.
Step 3: Add the Flip app to your Schoology course
- You’ll need to add the Flip app for every Schoology course. Once you complete these steps for a course, you won’t have to repeat them.
- Make sure to stay signed in to Flip on the same browser where you complete the integration on Schoology.
- Sign in to Schoology.
- Select the course you want to integrate.
- On the left menu, click Course Options > External Tool Providers > Add External Tool Provider.
- In the box that shows on screen, enter a “Tool name” for the installation. For example, “Flip Account 1.”
- Include your “Consumer Key” and “Shared Secret” in Schoology. You can copy these from your Flip settings integration.
- From the “Privacy” dropdown:
- Check the box next to “Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool.” This is an important step since it will let you associate assignment submissions to student names.
- Select or include these options:
- Configuration Type: “Manual”
- Match By: “URL”
- Domain/URL: https://api.flip.com/lti/schoology_launch
- Select Submit.
- Important: If you get the error “A tool in your course already has this domain configured,” Flip may already be registered by an administrator. If an administrator already registered Flip, you'll find Flip listed on the left menu. In this case, please contact your Schoology administrator.
Step 4: Create a Schoology Assignment that uses Flip
- After you add Flip to a Schoology course, you must create a new assignment for the integration to work. The integration won't work for assignments that existed in the course before you added Flip.
- You must take these steps for every new assignment.
You can create a Schoology assignment that uses Flip with either the External tool or Assignment level integration option.
- Create the assignment/course you want to use with Flip.
In the assignment select “Add Materials” dropdown and select “Add File/Link/External Tool”.
- Select the "External Tool" option.
- From the dropdown, select your integration.
- Note: If you successfully added the Flip app to your Schoology course, your integration will show up.
- Enter a title and click Submit.
- All other values will be automatically included.
- If the "Consumer Key, Shared Secret, and URL" are not included, copy and paste them to the Schoology course as indicated under "Step 3: Add the Flip app to your Schoology course."
- If that still doesn’t work, you can include the information in this step or contact your Schoology administrator.
If you can’t integrate Flip as an “External Tool,” you can integrate it at the assignment level.
- Under “Tool Provider,” include “Automatic” based on the URL.
- In the box that shows on screen, enter a title for the installation. For example, “Flip Account 1.”
- Enter the URL: https://api.flip.com/lti/schoology_launch
- From your Flip settings integration, copy the “Consumer Key” and “Shared Secret” and paste it into Schoology.
- Select Submit.
Step 5: Check Flip for the new topic
- When you create a Flip assignment, make sure to launch Flip from your course material. This will automatically create a new topic for you and connect it to the assignment.
- If this is your first Flip assignment in that course, Flip also creates a new group for the course and places the topic in the new group.
- Since topics are automatically connected to assignments, you can't change which topic is connected the assignment or connect to a previously created topic.
To check the new topic shows up on Flip:
- Find your new topic on Flip.
- If you get a “Connect Flip to Schoology” message, click Create a Course Group. You may get this message when you created the first Flip assignment in that course.
- For students to access the Flip topic, tell them to access it through Schoology. They’re redirected to Flip from Schoology. Your topic will be available after you find it in Flip or will be embedded in your assignment page.