Set up the Canvas integration: Educator

Flip and Canvas have collaborated to connect their platforms and make it easier for educators to share Flip with their Canvas students.

This integration lets educators:

  • Create Canvas assignments and connect them to Flip topics: This will show student videos in SpeedGrader.
  • Connect Flip topics to Canvas: This gives students access to Flip topics straight from their Canvas accounts.

Learn more about what you can and can’t do with the integration.

When you're ready to begin, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare to integrate
  2. Find your consumer key and shared secret
  3. Add the Flip app to your Canvas Developer apps
  4. Create a Canvas assignment that uses Flip
  5. Check that the Flip topic was created correctly

Step 1: Prepare to integrate

Make sure you have an active Flip and Canvas account. If you already have both accounts, skip to “Step 2: Find your consumer key & shared secret."

To create a:

Note: Do not create a “Course Designer” or “Administrator” account.

Step 2: Find your consumer key and shared secret

You can find your consumer key and shared secret when you create a new Canvas integration on Flip.

To create a new Canvas integration on Flip:

  1. Go to https:// and log in.
  2. At the top right click your Profile photo bubble Profile_bubble.png >  Integrations Integration__Unplugged_.png.
  3. Under “Canvas,” at the top, select “Create a new Canvas integration.”
  4. In the box that shows up, include an integration name. You can name it similarly to the name of the course you want to integrate on Canvas.
  5. Click Create.
    • Tip: At the top, you’ll find your new “Consumer Key” and “Shared Secret.”
  6. Before you continue to “Step 3,” leave this Flip tab open.

Step 3: Add the Flip app to your Canvas Developer apps


  • You only need to add the Flip app to a Canvas course once. If you want to add a new Canvas course, you will have to go through these steps again.
  • You must create a new assignment in Canvas. You can’t integrate an already created assignment.
  1. Sign into Canvas and go to your dashboard.
  2. Select the course you want to integrate.
  3. In the left menu, click Settings. Then at the top, select Apps.
  4. In the search box enter "Flip". Then, click on Flip.
    • Note: If your district has not installed Flip, you can do it yourself.
  5. Click + Add app.
  6. In the “Add App” box that opens, include:
    • Name: Enter a name for the installation. For example, “Flip account 1.”
    • Consumer Key: Enter the “Consumer Key” from Step 2.
    • Shared Secret: Enter the “Shared Secret” from Step 2.
  7. Click Add app.

Note: If the App Store is disabled on your account, or if Flip doesn't appear as an option, learn how to add the Flip app manually.

Step 4: Create a Canvas Assignment that uses Flip

You must create a new assignment for the integration to work.

Important: The integration won't work if you simply change the settings for an existing assignment.

  1. On the left menu, at the top, click Assignments.
  2. On the top right, click + Assignment.
  3. You must fill out “Assignment Name” and “Submission Type.” All other details are optional.
  4. Under “Submission Type:”
    1. Click the dropdown and select External tool.
    2. Under “Enter or find an External Tool URL,” click Find.
    3. Scroll down to select “Flip.” This will integrate Flip to the assignment.
  5. Next to the checkbox “Load This Tool In A New Tab:”
    • Check the box: If you want Flip to open in a new tab when students access Flip on Canvas.
    • Do not check the box: If you want students to find Flip embedded on Canvas.
  6. At the bottom, click Save and publish.

Step 5: Check that the Flip topic was created correctly

When you create a Flip assignment, Flip automatically creates a new topic for you and connects it to the assignment. If this is your first Flip assignment in that course, Flip also places the topic in a new group.

Important: You can't select an existing Flip topic and connect it to a Canvas assignment. 

Depending on how you set up “Load This Tool in a New Tab” in Step 4:

  • If you didn’t check the box to open in a new tab: After you create the Canvas assignment, the Flip topic is embedded in the Canvas assignment page.
  • If you checked the box to open Flip in a new tab: After you create the Canvas assignment, to open Flip in a new window, click “Load [Assignment name] in a new window.”
  • If this was your first Canvas assignment with Flip: You may get a “Connect Flip to Canvas” message. To connect Flip to Canvas, click Create a Course Group.

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