Mixtapes: Create a mix of videos across your topics and groups

Mixtapes let you curate videos from across topics and groups to easily share with others. The feature is an easy way for you to create portfolios of videos in a view-only experience. 

Specifically, you can:

  • Add videos posted by your students to the Mixtape
  • Set the order of videos
  • Share with anyone in your community
  • Create a password to access the Mixtape (optional)

Great Mixtape Ideas!

Make a Mixtape for:

  • Each student to share with their parents and family
  • Highlighting student successes from the quarter/semester/year and share with parents, administrators, and colleagues
  • Highlighting school events: Football Games, Parent Nights, Science Fair, Grandparents Day, etc.
  • Weekly classroom highlights
  • Showing student growth for language or presentation skills over time
  • Student progress monitoring
  • Study guide to review for a test
  • Showcasing educators’ strategies in the classroom for PD
  • Celebrations: Student of the week, Teacher of the month, etc.

Step 1: Create a Mixtape

  1. Go to info.flip.com and log in.
  2. Click your Profile photo bubble Profile_bubble.png and then Mixtapes.
  3. At the top right, click +Mixtape.
  4. Add a title and description.
    • Note the link to share the Mixtape is automatically generated
  5. Optional: You can password protect your Mixtape
  6. To finish creating your Mixtape, at the bottom right, click Create Mixtape.

Step 2: Add videos to your Mixtape

You can add videos to your Mixtape through:

Your topics
  1. Go to info.flip.com and log in.
  2. At the left, in your groups home, select a group.
  3. Select the topic with the video(s) you want to add to a mixtape.
  4. Under "Responses," at the top right of a video's cover image, tap More More.png > Add to Mixtapes Mixtape.png.
    • If you haven't created a Mixtape before, you'll be asked to create one. Tap Create a Mixtape.
  5. You'll receive a note that says the video has been added. If you'd like to:
    • Go back to the topic, click Close
    • Review your current Mixtapes, click the link "your Mixtapes."
The "Students tab"
  1. Go to info.flip.com and log in.
  2. At the left, in your groups home, select a group.
  3. Under your group's cover image, click Students Members.png.
  4. Click on a student's Profile photo bubble Profile_bubble.png.
  5. Select the video you want to add to a mixtape.
  6. At the bottom right of the video player, click More More.png >Add to Mixtapes Mixtape.png.
    • If you haven't created a Mixtape before, you'll be asked to create one. Tap Create a Mixtape.
  7. You'll receive a note that says the video has been added. If you'd like to:
    • Go back to the student's videos, click Close
    • Review your current Mixtapes, click the link "your Mixtapes."

Step 3: Share your Mixtape

You can easily share your Mixtape with a join link or code.

  1. Go to info.flip.com and log in.
  2. On the top right, click your Profile photo bubble Profile_bubble.png > Mixtapes Mixtape.png.
  3. You'll find a list of the Mixtapes you've created.
  4. Hover to the right of a mixtape to review or share:
    1. To review: Click the link. This will take you to the Mixtape. You can share this link with others.
    2. To share: Click Share Share.png. This will let you copy the Mixtape link, share via email, embed with a code, or share on Google Classroom, Teams, X, or Remind.

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