Add text, photos, or mirror your camera image

When you record your video, you're able to add on-screen text, a photo, or to mirror your video camera image. Learn how to comment on a video response.

How to add and edit on-screen text

The add text camera effect lets you add text on screen. Flip offers a variety of fun fonts and backgrounds to express your ideas.

Note: If you have a lot of text to add and you don't want to clutter your video, add a link to an attachment before you post a new video. You're also able to edit your video details after you add a video.

Web Browser Mobile Application
  1. Go to and log in.
  2. In the top left, click Camera Photo_camera.png.
  3. At the right, in the Effects dock, click Text Text.png.
  4. Select a text style.
  5. Enter your text. At the bottom in the text edit drawer, you can change the font style and text colors.
    • Change the font style: Click Font. Then, select the font you want to use.
    • Change text colors: There are 3 color options you can change, the font color, the stroke/outline color, or the text background color. 
      • Font color: Click Color. Then, select the color you want or use the Custom option to customize your color. 
      • Stroke/outline color: Click Stroke. Then, select the color you want or use the Custom option to customize the stroke/outline color. The font you use determines the style of the stroke/outline.
      • Text background: Click Background. Then, select the color you want or use the Custom option to customize your background color.
  6. To finish your text addition, click outside the text or, in the text edit drawer, click X.png.
  7. To edit your text or adjust your text, click the text.
    • Edit the content: Click the text again and enter your new text.
    • Move: Drag the photo across your camera screen.
    • Resize: Click and drag a circle that outlines the blue box.
    • Rotate: At the top of the blue box, click and drag the circle.
    • Delete the text addition: Under the blue box, click Delete Trash.png.
    • Mirror: To invert your text, at the bottom left of the blue box, click Mirror Mirror.png.
    • Copy the text: In the top left of the text, click Copy.
    • Bring front or back: If you have camera effects that overlap, you can choose which to display on top or behind each other. To bring the text to the front, to the right of the blue box, click the Up arrow Up_arrow.png. To put the text to the back, to the right of the blue box, click the Down arrow Down_arrow.png.

How to add a photo

You’re able to add a photo or image that you created outside of Flip to a video response.

Web Browser Mobile Application

Important: Your photo must be in either PNG or JPG format.

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. In the top left, click Camera Photo_camera.png.
  3. At the right, in the Effects dock, click the option to add Photo Image_upload.png.
  4. To add your photo, in the "Add photo" drawer, you can either:
    • Click inside the drawer. Then, select the photo you want to add.
    • Drag and drop the photo file.
  5. Choose how to adjust your photo.
    • Move: Drag the photo across your camera screen.
    • Resize: Click and drag a circle that outlines the photo.
    • Rotate: At the top of the blue box, click and drag the circle.
    • Delete: Under the blue box, click Delete Trash.png.
    • Mirror: To invert your photo, at the bottom left of the blue box, click Mirror Mirror.png.
    • Copy: To make a duplicate of your photo, at the top left of the blue box, click Copy.
    • Bring front or back: If you have camera effects that overlap, you can choose which to display on top or behind each other. To bring the photo to the front, to the right of the blue box, click the Up arrow Up_arrow.png. To put the photo to the back, to the right of the blue box, click the Down arrow Down_arrow.png.

How to mirror your video image

When you use a webcam or your mobile device’s selfie camera, you may notice that it’s like looking in a mirror. In the Flip camera you’re able to mirror your video so that your recording isn’t a mirror of yourself. This is helpful if you record a video where you use physical aides like signs or posters or if you use sign language (for example, ASL).

Web Browser Mobile Application
  1. Go to and log in.
  2. In the top left, click Camera Photo_camera.png.
  3. At the top right, click Options More.png > Mirror video Mirror.png.

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