Camera Shy Tips for empowering EVERY individual!

Flip was created to provide ALL students the space and time to share their understanding, ideas, questions, projects… their VOICE… when physical time and space in the classroom does not always allow for it. At the same time, Flip provides you (and the families of your students!) a window into each learner’s thinking.

Although our students are digital natives, not all will be comfortable (at least at first) recording themselves on video for classroom purposes. Keep reading for my best tips and tricks to get ALL your students sharing their beautiful voice!

Savvy Tip #1: Record with audio mode - no camera!

Audio mode in the camera lets students record their voice without having the camera on, and they can still use Effects like emojis and filters.

Savvy Tip #2: Start simple.

If your students are a bit hesitant to put themselves on camera, their nerves will be even stronger if they're asked to answer a challenging question right away. Start with something fun and simple that will get them comfortable. Check out the Conversations Starters Featured Collection of launch-ready topics in the Flip Discovery Library to get started!

Savvy Tip #3: Use Filters, Stickers, and fellow creative camera features.

Students have access to fun Filters in Flip, such as Pixelated and Bricks. Students can use these filters to pixelate the video, hiding their face, or use it to reveal clues throughout the video. In addition, students can add an emoji as a sticker over the video to hide their face. Check out this awesome “Guess Who” Discovery Library Topic from Educator Innovation Lead Ann Kozma!

Savvy Tip #4: Use Boards!

The Flip camera is filled with powerful features including a series of Boards - whiteboard, blackboard, graph paper, lined paper, and more - which allow your students to share their voice without their face being on camera.

Savvy Tip #5: Post the first video yourself.

If students see you relaxed, authentic, or even silly, students will feel more comfortable doing the same. Simply record a video as the Topic Focus! Check out Student Voice Ambassador Priscilla Heredia modeling and having fun with #FlipmojiSongs in this Discovery Library Topic!

Savvy Tip #6: Record with a buddy, group or with family members.

Motivation and confidence increases with the support of peers and family.

Savvy Tip #7: Record your work or environment!

Students can also use the rear-facing camera (on any device that has one) to capture their world as they share their voice.

Savvy Tip #8: Moderate Topics.

The moderation feature allows you to choose which responses show on the Grid. From your Educator Admin (, select the 3 dot Actions button to edit your Topic settings. In the Topic Settings section, toggle on Moderate student activity. After you review, you can provide private feedback, share the video with the student’s family, and choose whether to make the video visible to the class or keep it hidden.

Savvy Tip #9: Use Sticky Notes.

Digital Sticky Notes in Flip allow students to jot down key points and notes they want to remember, increasing confidence as they share their ideas.

Savvy Tip #10: Interview a friend!

This is a great way for students to help each other become comfortable recording while also practicing speaking and listening skills. Pair quieter students with a student who is more comfortable on camera. As they ask questions, they can pause the video to gather their thoughts before speaking.

Savvy Tip #11: Create paper slides videos!

Paper slides allows students to unleash their creativity by creating a slide for each of their big ideas.  As the student is speaking, someone else can move the paper slides into the view of the camera, or they can upload each slide as an image and record a voice over!

Savvy Tip #12: Create a screen recording!

Students can voice over a screen recording using the Flip camera!

Savvy Tip #13: Appsmash!

Appsmashing is the process of combining two or more apps, and Flip makes appsmashing easy! Students can record a video in apps like Adobe Spark, Chatterpix or any other platform and then upload the video to your class Flip. Be prepared for some of the most creative responses you’ll ever see!


Remember, although some students may be shy at first, they will come around with time and practice. We all get more comfortable the more we do something.  Allow students to be themselves and choose how they want to respond and watch ALL your students shine!

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