Groups let you organize topics and easily share them with students by using a join code, join link, or QR code. Now, you can also create your groups with an audience in mind by selecting from several group types like classrooms, clubs and organizations, friends and family, create your own, and more.

After you create a group, you can add as many topics as you'd like. Topics are conversation starters for students to begin participating and responding with videos.

Learn more about how you can share your groups.

How to create a group

When you first create a group, you’re able to choose its name and group image. You can choose to share your new group whenever you're ready.

Important: To join Flip, a student must have either an email or a username. If your prospective group students do not have their own emails, learn how to create usernames so they’re able to join the group

Web Browser Mobile Application
  1. Go to and log in.
  2. At the left, click +Group > Group__empty_.png Create a group. 
  3. To continue, you must select a group type:
    • Elementary
    • Middle
    • High
    • University or College
    • Adult
    • All ages
      • Important: You can't edit your group's type after you created it. If you select "University or College," your students will be able to create topics by default. You can always change this topic setting.
  4. Update your group's details.
    • Below "Create group" enter group name. 
    • Select your group's cover image from the image library or to upload your own, at the top left of the images, click Upload an image Image_upload.png.
  5. At the bottom right, click Create.

Important: If your students don't have emails, you can create usernames for them. Learn more about how to add students by username.

How to create a topic

Whenever you create a new group, Flip automatically creates new topics for you. Learn how to edit your topic.

  1. Go to and log in.
  2. At the left, in your groups home, select the group where you want to add a topic.
  3. Next to Topics.png Topic Copilot, click  Add__Plus_in_square_.png Add topic.
  4. Include a title and description. Change settings if applicable. 
  5. Click Create topic.

    Learn how to use our AI powered Topic Copilot to generate ideas for topics.

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