Inspired by the ways you foster community beyond the classroom, we have curated a collection of resources to help you and your peers in remote learning.
Remote learning with Flip PDF
Our one-page PDF contains all the information you need to get started using Flip in a remote learning environment.
Remote Learning Resources
- Watch our “Getting started: Educators” video for a quick Flip overview and share our “Getting started: Students” video with your learners. Both videos have captions available in 18 languages.
- Get on-demand training and learn the basics of Flip from one of our Educator Innovation Educators, available in Spanish and English!
- Explore the “Learning at Home” Discovery library playlist. The collection is filled with 50+ ready-to-use discussion prompts for at-home learning. Each topic is simple, innovative, and fun!
- Sent to us from educators just like you, check out the Top 5 remote learning ideas organized by age group, and add launch-ready Topics to your learning experience.
- Create with the new My Profile camera: explain directions, screen record, share personal messages, and more.
- Discover new Flip ideas, tips, and uses by joining the conversation on X, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
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