Features and limitations of Canvas integration

Through the Flip-Canvas integration, it is even easier to connect the two platforms and make it easier for educators to share Flip with their students.

If you're new to Flip, learn more about how Flip works.

What you can do with the integration:

  • Admin-level or Individual educators setup. Both are available to best fit the needs of your community.
  • Create Canvas assignments that automatically create Flip topics connected, so student responses there show up in SpeedGrader.
  • Give students access to those topics from their Canvas accounts, so they don't need to use a password or other login credentials.

What you cannot do with the integration:

  • Install the integration with a non-Teacher role in Canvas, such as Course Designer or Administrator.
  • Integrate or connect previously created Flip content.
  • Split students into smaller groups within the course.
  • Copy feedback provided on Flip to Canvas, or vice versa.
  • Leave text comments on topic responses (only available on iOS),

We have workarounds available for some use-cases in our Canvas LTI FAQs.

To install Canvas integration, follow our setup guide.

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