When your students use Flip at school, they should use a school email address to have the full Flip experience.
If your students are using personal email addresses for your groups, they’ll receive a message to let them know they need a school email address. To let your students keep participating, add them with a school email address. You can always help them download their previously submitted content.
Download content for your students
Note: You can only download one video at a time.
- Go to info.flip.com and log in.
- At the left, in your groups home, select a group.
- Under your group's cover image, click Students .
- To find all videos submitted by a student, click on a student's Profile photo bubble .
- Select the video you want to download.
- At the bottom right of the video player, click More > Download video .
- In the new browser tab that opens, to download the video, click Download Video. You can download the cover image using this same process.
Update your group permissions
Check that your students have all been invited to your group with a school email address. Under “Manage students,” remove any non-school email addresses and add students with their school email address under the “Email or domain” or “Google Classroom” options.
Invite students with a school email address
- Go to info.flip.com and log in.
- At the left, in your groups home, select a group.
- At the bottom right of your group's cover image, click Share .
- At the bottom, click Other ways to add people. Then select which method to share with your students:
- Google Classroom: Go to classroom.google.com, and add your student to your classes with a school email address.
- Email address or domain: Add a school email address.
- To share with a link, QR code, or other applications, click Share .
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