Find the activity feed and get notifications

Flip helps you easily follow the activity in your groups, topics, and videos with notifications. The type of notifications you can receive differ depending on your role within the group and the way you received the notification. There are 3 different ways to get notifications:

  • Activity feed: You can find the activity feed on both Flip for web and the Flip app. All activity in your groups and topics are stored here. You aren’t able to change the activity feed or the types of notifications you receive in it.
  • Email notifications: You receive an email when a new topic or video is posted, or when someone comments on a video.
  • Push notifications: You can set up push notifications on your mobile device for the Flip app to notify you when there's activity in your groups. Learn more about push notifications.

Important: All 3 ways to get notifications are separate from each other. For example, if you only want email notifications you must make sure to sign up for email notifications and separately turn off push notifications on your mobile device.

Type of notifications

User account Type of notification When you click the notification
Educator and Student Topics: New video response Directs the user to the video response
Educator and Student Groups: New topic created in the group Directs the user to the new topic
Educator or Student who posted the video response New text or video comment to the video response Directs the educator or student to the text or video comment in the video they posted
Educator New request to join Directs the educator to the group's students tab to review and approve or deny the request
Educator A person joined your group Directs you to the group's students tab
Student Request to join approved Directs the student to the group page

Added to a group after being pre-approved

Directs the student to the group page


Where to find the Activity feed

The Activity feed is available for all roles within a group.

Important: You can't get notifications until you've created or joined a group or topic. Learn more about how to join a group or topic.

Web Browser Mobile Application
  1. Go to and log in.
  2. At the top right, select Notifications Activity.png. 
  3. Your Activity feed will appear.

How to get email notifications

For every group where you’re a student, you’re able to sign up to get email notifications for that group. You’re also able to choose how often you get sent a notification.

If you're an educator or co-lead for the group, learn how to set up your email notifications.

Web Browser Mobile Application
  1. Go to any of your groups or topics.
  2. At the bottom right of the group cover image, click More More.png > Get email notifications Email_notification.png.
  3. In the “Get email notifications” message, select how often you want to receive email notifications.
  4. At the bottom right of the “Get email notifications” message, click Done.

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